ATOMIC PHYSICS WORKSHOP AND USER'S MEETINGThe objectives of the Atomic Physics Workshop and of the User's Meeting are to inform the community on the present status of planning the GSI Future Facility and on their potential for novel atomic physics experiments. The workshop will offer the opportunity to present and discuss future plans and ideas. The Conceptual Design Report of the GSI Future Facility can be found at The project has been positively evaluated by the "Wissenschaftsrat" (cf. addition, the mid-term program of atomic physics experiments at the present GSI-facilities will be presented by poster contributions. The workshop will start at 10 a.m. on Monday, December 9 and finish at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10. The poster session and a buffet will take place in the evening of December 9. HITRAP WORKSHOPThe HITRAP Workshop will discuss the physics program and technical as well as financial issues of the HITRAP project at GSI. The project is supported by the EU as an RTD network. HITRAP will provide highly-charged ions up to U92+ cooled and stored at 4 K or as beams with very low energy. In addition, it will be used in the GSI Future Facility for deceleration, cooling and trapping of antiprotons. You will find the project description at The workshop is also serving for an evaluation of the HITRAP project in the mid-term planning of the GSI Directorate. Scientific ProgramA detailed Scientific Program is now available at the Program page. There are still a couple of talks to be confirmed, so check back at the workshop website for last-minute changes! Further contributions, not listed on the program page, are supposed to be presented as Posters during the Poster session. Poster presentationsA list of further contributions, to be presented as Poster presentations, is now also available. The place where your poster will be installed will be communicated at the workshop. The full area available for posters is 1.3 m x 1.0 m (Landscape). Material to fix your texts and figures will be available. All posters can be left in place throughout the AP workshop, starting from the morning of Monday December 9. Auxiliary Media for SpeakersIn addition to the overhead projector, a "beamer" will be available for presentations. If you want to use it, please bring a CD with your presentation to the workshop. Alternatively, you may also send your presentation by e-mail (as e-mail attachment) to At the workshop you may contact the chairman of your session, to check its installation on the PC available for the presentation. This Windows-based PC will be equipped with Acrobat Reader and PowerPoint 2002. We request that you use this procedure instead of trying to hook your own laptop to the projector. Electronic Records of Your PresentationAn electronic copy of your presentation (talk or poster contribution) may be sent (as e-mail attachment) to MS PowerPoint (*.ppt) or PDF-files are preferred. The collection of presentations will be made accessible to all participants at the GSI web site. Arrival Sunday, December 8We have arranged a reservation for dinner in a nearby restaurant at 8 p.m.; please let us know whether you will join the group ( Meeting points will be
Shuttle bus transportation from/to Hotel IBIS
Travel to GSI, Planckstrasse, Darmstadt-Wixhausen
*please keep a printout of the map; the taxi driver may not know GSI Travel to Hotel IBIS
Kasinostrasse 6
Darmstadt City Map / Stadtplan von Darmstadt CONTACTSWorkshop secretary: Scientific secretary of the AP-Workshop and Users Meeting: Scientific secretary of the HITRAP-Workshop |